Work Work Work...Okay, so a little about videogame development. The FIRST big checkpoint in production is called ALPHA. Essentially this is the game with all the features and assets in the game. The game can be played from start to finish, albeit it's pretty messy and not tuned - picture, really drunk sex. Anxiety preformance all around. Stress is high and factor in that our ALPHA date is falling on/around the 4th of July makes it get a little tricky with a dev team who's been slaving away and wants a nice breather with their family and loved ones. Anyway, shit is coming together rather well, so we'll see where Alpha takes us. We'll know on SATURDAY.

Neither did I!
You crack me up!!!
I fuckin' hate Hillary Duff.
Yet evertime I see her on T.V I must watch.
What's that about!?
Seth Green is so cool in that movie.
We see he has'nt grown much!