Green Day Tonight. I guess I shall finally see if Green Day is totally sold out.. or still the same bunch of assholes I have always loved.
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Thursday Jan 31, 2008
12 bar blues is the shit...God I love music!!!! (for those that ar… -
Wednesday Jan 30, 2008
now that im actually comfortable being single, I remember exactly how… -
Sunday Jan 27, 2008
So, I started playing baseball again, which I havent done in like..6 … -
Tuesday Jan 22, 2008
Just bought tickets to the Black Keys concert...April 2nd at the Warf… -
Tuesday Jan 22, 2008
Why is it so hard to meet someone (namely a girl) who is smart, funny… -
Thursday Jan 17, 2008
why is it such a bad thing that all I want to do is express myself an… -
Monday Jan 07, 2008
Its a new week... start work in a new lab- Neuromuscular Physiolo… -
Thursday Jan 03, 2008
Why does school start on wednesdays? WTF? -
Wednesday Jan 02, 2008
Welcome to the fucking future! School starts in a few days... … -
Monday Dec 24, 2007
Ok, Im back... I actually missed SG... so Ill be around once in a whi…
man... i wish i was going to the green day concert!!