Really cool video.
I read James and the Giant Peach yesterday. Then watched the movie. I seem to remember liking the movie...but after reading the book I don't like the movie so much. I guess that happens with most movies based on books. I never understood why they couldn't just follow the story...It wasn't too off...even the songs were somewhat the same. It just lacked the innocence of the book.
Had a little shindig Saturday night. I tried to hang out with everyone, but the more whiskey I drank the more I just wanted to turn the music up and drown myself in it. Everyone pretty much rotated in to spend some time with me tho so I really didn't have to move away from the iTunes that much lol It brought me back to about a year and a half ago when these things happened often only with more music more whiskey and fewer people. There I go again drifting away from the social life

Is anyone else super annoyed with the fact that you can hardly ever find an original music video on youtube anymore? wtf is with these people making their own music videos to songs and completely ruining it for everyone else? And the ads are driving me nuts too. Makes me want to hide in the corner with a discman and some head phones just to get back to what really matters.
Friday had a little pool party with some SGAZ friends. It was pretty cool. Some neighbor drama kept the evening interesting. The pool felt nice tho WAY too much chlorine. I could still smell it on me even after showering.
I'm learning about organic reactions. It's so different from general chem. Mechanisms are blowing my mind lol
Yes, whiskey can be an interesting beverage. Glad you had a fun weekend. Hope it didn't over load you 

I feel your pain
I always liked chemistry in high school...and I hated it in college. I switched to the non-lab chem for my final chem class.