K so I am not officially leaving yet. I'm just taking some time off. At least that's what I'm calling it
Thanks for showing me you all care

that made me feel a little better. Here's the issue..if you are interested....
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I was never very good at the friend thing. When I was little I would make up elaborate excuses so I didn't have to go to my friends houses. In high school I had some good friends, but it's easy to have friends when you see them every day and have nothing better to do. As an adult this has become more of an issue than I ever thought it would be. I just don't make connections with people. When I do they are usually strictly limited to where ever I met that friend ie work, school, online, etc. My boyfriend however isn't like me. He is a very social person. He likes to hang out with other people even if he has to drive for half an hour or more to do so. I don't really mind....sometimes I even go along because I know it makes him happy. But it becomes an issue when I really don't want to go, and he doesn't want to leave me behind because he knows I will be lonely and he feels bad, and then he resents me for it. It bothers him that I don't care to hang out with people all the time, and it bothers me that he isn't content hanging out with me alone.
The reason I bring this up here is because the majority of the time it's SGAZ get togethers that cause the issue. I don't like to make the drive and depending on the company half the time I don't even enjoy myself. One major pet peeve of mine is that I don't like to be interrupted or talked over. And nothing but that really ever happens at these events and most of it is done by the boy himself. I feel like in bigger groups he forgets about me and even tho I am there I am not included. And that is in every group of friends, not just SGAZ.
So anyways, SGAZers that actually bother to be my friend and read my blog do not take offense to this. You know you aren't the problem. Most likely if you even read this you are not one of these people because obviously you care about me and aren't just trying to be his friend.
Your situation sounds eerily similar. Lady Opir is the social butterfly (She and her other 2 Stooges even got the tattoos to prove it
The rest: life is full of compromises. You give a little, he gives a little. As long as no one is drawing absolute lines in the sand, compromises can be reached. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose but in the end it is all good.
I hope it all works out for you both