Hell City Tattoo Convention this year was awesome. I rather enjoyed it. Met some really fun new people, hung out with my SGAZ buddies. I had really wished to have my leg done by this year but that didn't quite happen. Lack of funds =/ I'm sure there are pictures out there, I didn't take any tho.
My allergies have been haywire lately. So much humidity. It would be nice if it came with some more rain. Went to the doc this morning cuz I was beginning to think it may be something else but no...just stupid allergies. Had blood drawn...phlebotomist was very good but I still bruised. I think my vein blew actually, the area is a little swollen and tender.
I'm rambling. Get our new place tomorrow
I am excited, I like moving. I need a change of atmosphere every once in a while.

My allergies have been haywire lately. So much humidity. It would be nice if it came with some more rain. Went to the doc this morning cuz I was beginning to think it may be something else but no...just stupid allergies. Had blood drawn...phlebotomist was very good but I still bruised. I think my vein blew actually, the area is a little swollen and tender.
I'm rambling. Get our new place tomorrow

Just like last year you guys came with me to hell city & like last year I had a hell of a time. God bless you two, and now I have a working laptop on the way