Rim camping November 2009
Drive up. Baby is excited can't you tell?
We made it there before it got dark for once but didn't pull the camera back out until later.
We tried to get drunk off bitch beer. It didn't work
I slept with my hoodie up so my hair is kinda shot for the rest of these pics lol
We got lots of firewood
Yah, we made Babe wear a jacket cuz it was pretty cold.
Zach is really proud of all his lights.
6am Sunday morning it was 18 degrees and all our water froze =/
The mud was frozen so we did donuts instead.
Here we are on the Rim
Zach falling off the Rim.
Driving out
We stopped to hike down to Bear Lake. Quite a hike lemme tell ya!
Taking a break on the hike back up to our truck
Sleeping on the way home. She also slept the rest of the day and night until Monday morning lol
Fun times

Drive up. Baby is excited can't you tell?

We made it there before it got dark for once but didn't pull the camera back out until later.

We tried to get drunk off bitch beer. It didn't work

I slept with my hoodie up so my hair is kinda shot for the rest of these pics lol

We got lots of firewood

Yah, we made Babe wear a jacket cuz it was pretty cold.

Zach is really proud of all his lights.

6am Sunday morning it was 18 degrees and all our water froze =/

The mud was frozen so we did donuts instead.

Here we are on the Rim

Zach falling off the Rim.

Driving out

We stopped to hike down to Bear Lake. Quite a hike lemme tell ya!


Taking a break on the hike back up to our truck

Sleeping on the way home. She also slept the rest of the day and night until Monday morning lol
Fun times

Its really a great show. 

Wow, looks like the perfect getaway. The outdoors look pristine, thanks for the great pictures!!