Well I'm in my new place. It's small but I like it so far. All the appliances are new, even the garbage disposal. I found out the guy that lived here before died...must be why I got it so cheap. Baby seems to like it even without a yard. I think she likes all the personal attention since now I have to take her out on a leash several times a day instead of just letting her outside. She's gunna have to get used to other dogs though which is a pain in the ass for me. Luckily the neighbors I've met so far seem pretty cool.
Zach got the internet hooked up Monday so now I'm on my own as far as organizing and unpacking because he's too obsessed with all his internet girlfriends to help me out even when I ask him nicely. Fucker couldn't even put pants on for 5 minutes to help me take the dog out.
Whatever, pretty much just gives me the leeway to trash all his shit that I've been telling him to go through and condense. He probably wouldn't even notice anyway.
School is going alright. A lot for my mind to absorb and I'm tired. Work is going alright too except that now I'm not there every day so I keep getting yelled at for little things that I don't remember to do like check the answering machine and turn a specific light on/off. It's just a lot of bullshit that's kind of wearing me down.
My fucking cat thought moving was so traumatic that now he has the right to piss in all my boxes. I kicked him outside this morning and haven't seen him since. Maybe he got the hint. I don't think he understands how difficult it is to get the smell of cat piss out of things that you can't actually put in the washing machine.
Hope every one is well. Zach wants to go to Hell City so I guess we'll prolly do that on Saturday. My tattoo artist might be there too.
Zach got the internet hooked up Monday so now I'm on my own as far as organizing and unpacking because he's too obsessed with all his internet girlfriends to help me out even when I ask him nicely. Fucker couldn't even put pants on for 5 minutes to help me take the dog out.

School is going alright. A lot for my mind to absorb and I'm tired. Work is going alright too except that now I'm not there every day so I keep getting yelled at for little things that I don't remember to do like check the answering machine and turn a specific light on/off. It's just a lot of bullshit that's kind of wearing me down.
My fucking cat thought moving was so traumatic that now he has the right to piss in all my boxes. I kicked him outside this morning and haven't seen him since. Maybe he got the hint. I don't think he understands how difficult it is to get the smell of cat piss out of things that you can't actually put in the washing machine.

I posted your booty pic on my page 

Trust me when I tell you I was not trying to get his crotch in the pic