AAArrrrrggg my fucking piece of shit brother/roommate stole all my weed!!!!!
AND it was not left out in the open mind you. It WAS hidden.
AND he is STILL unemployed going on 6 MONTHS now. And the reason he didn't get the last job he applied for was because he FAILED his drug test.
AND I'm sick of him eating all my food and drinking all my water!
AND I'm sick of his cats destroying my carpet and furniture.
Seriously. What a fucking douche bag. I was totally nice enough to share a bowl with him when he asked and he was like, "Well one day won't hurt, incase I need to take another drug test in a month" and then he went and found my stash and smoked ALL my fucking dope! (Good thing I hid another stash- but STILL) How fucked up. I can't wait until September when I don't have to feed him and clean up after him and put up with his stupid cats and all his bullshit.
Arg I'm so pissed right now. He's such a leech and is totally using me and my bf.
AND it was not left out in the open mind you. It WAS hidden.
AND he is STILL unemployed going on 6 MONTHS now. And the reason he didn't get the last job he applied for was because he FAILED his drug test.
AND I'm sick of him eating all my food and drinking all my water!
AND I'm sick of his cats destroying my carpet and furniture.
Seriously. What a fucking douche bag. I was totally nice enough to share a bowl with him when he asked and he was like, "Well one day won't hurt, incase I need to take another drug test in a month" and then he went and found my stash and smoked ALL my fucking dope! (Good thing I hid another stash- but STILL) How fucked up. I can't wait until September when I don't have to feed him and clean up after him and put up with his stupid cats and all his bullshit.
Arg I'm so pissed right now. He's such a leech and is totally using me and my bf.

he does that shit cuz hes your brother. he wouldnt pull that shit with just a roommate of his. september my ass, kick him out tonight. XD

ppl who steal my weed are cut out. likee. argh.