It really frustrates me to live with messy people who can't clean up after themselves. I am a messy person myself, but at least I have the decency to clean up after myself. I don't understand how people keep their houses clean? I clean all the time. I am constantly picking up after my roommates (who happen to be my bf and my brother). COME ON. Since when is it my job to do YOUR dishes? Usually the response to this is that it isn't my job and that I don't have to do it, but the catch is that I DO have to do it because I actually WANT to live in a clean environment and since no one else is going to do it I have to. I cook a nice dinner for everyone and the thanks I get is a sink full of dishes and dirty counter tops and stoves to clean. Even when I DON'T cook dinner like last night, I still get a sink full of dishes and a dirty stove to clean. Not to mention the fact that I have to sweep and mop the floor everyday because no one knows how to take their shoes off when they come inside or to pick shit up off the floor when they drop it.
THIS is what I get for not wanting to be alone?! FUCK THAT. I would so much rather live in a tiny apartment by myself then in this nice house with all you fucking dirt bags! People who don't even live here expect me to clean up after them!!!!!!
I am thinking about getting rid of all my pets. Well for one, the ones that aren't mine I'm sick of taking care of and I'm sick of them tearing up my carpet and sleeping on top of my snake tank and stealing the magnets off my fridge. The ones that are mine I just don't have time for anymore. The dog specifically. I love her to death and I know I can't give her away but sometimes I just can't handle her!!! I have a hard enough time taking care of myself I don't know why I thought Zach would help me when we decided to get a dog.
-------End Rant---------
How was your Christmas?

Mine was good but it's nice to be alone again. There is only so much I can handle of other people. I'm kind of glad Zach has to work this week. I love him to death but too much of him is just...well...too much
I am one of those loners who needs my 8 hours of alone time during the day
Especially on my vacation 

My family

My family + Amanda's (dad's gf) family

My sister Arika and nephew Colter (10 mo) opening his reindeer jammies

Me and my sister's Jazmyn (17) and Arika (23)

I try to limit the family pics I put up here for personal reasons. I don't really have a good reason to be honest.
While looking through my day planner for school I noticed it says the first day of Spring classes is January 20th. That's a long break.....? I wasn't aware I had that much time off. I should probably check blackboard for my specific schedule since I thought school started the 6th
Shows how much I pay attention.
(I don't get why apostrophes turn up as a jumble of numbers and symbols. Come on SG. Use correct grammar or get out!)
THIS is what I get for not wanting to be alone?! FUCK THAT. I would so much rather live in a tiny apartment by myself then in this nice house with all you fucking dirt bags! People who don't even live here expect me to clean up after them!!!!!!

I am thinking about getting rid of all my pets. Well for one, the ones that aren't mine I'm sick of taking care of and I'm sick of them tearing up my carpet and sleeping on top of my snake tank and stealing the magnets off my fridge. The ones that are mine I just don't have time for anymore. The dog specifically. I love her to death and I know I can't give her away but sometimes I just can't handle her!!! I have a hard enough time taking care of myself I don't know why I thought Zach would help me when we decided to get a dog.

-------End Rant---------
How was your Christmas?

Mine was good but it's nice to be alone again. There is only so much I can handle of other people. I'm kind of glad Zach has to work this week. I love him to death but too much of him is just...well...too much

My family

My family + Amanda's (dad's gf) family

My sister Arika and nephew Colter (10 mo) opening his reindeer jammies

Me and my sister's Jazmyn (17) and Arika (23)

I try to limit the family pics I put up here for personal reasons. I don't really have a good reason to be honest.
While looking through my day planner for school I noticed it says the first day of Spring classes is January 20th. That's a long break.....? I wasn't aware I had that much time off. I should probably check blackboard for my specific schedule since I thought school started the 6th

(I don't get why apostrophes turn up as a jumble of numbers and symbols. Come on SG. Use correct grammar or get out!)
the minute i started living by myself, i was hooked. it's like crack. i highly recommend it, no matter how small your place.
I couldn't live by myself. I understand the frustration though. The last two breaks Thanksgiving and Christmas my roommates made a mess of the house with dishes and garbage and then left the next day without cleaning. I had to clean the whole thing myself because my other roommate was at work all day both times. It sucked.