Remember that book I wanted? The Medicolegal Investigation of Death?
Zach bought it for me For Valentines Day I guess <3
It's HUGE. And very wordy. I've been skipping around but so far I've learned about bite marks and identification and Neonaticide/Infanticide. The pictures are ghastly. I'm kind of bummed/kind of glad they are all black and white.
I can't decide if going back to Fundamental Chemistry was a good idea or not. I may be getting ahead of myself but its like....way easy right now. Maybe I should have just taken it at ASU instead of PVCC...or taken General Chemistry at PVCC.. idk...I think I should shut my mouth before Chemistry fools me again.
if u seen my pics recently, I cut mine all like boy short except in the front. i got tired of it. now its the epic battle of trying to grow it back out. ehhh. i love ur hair though for real so ill be excited to see how long u get it before the scissors come in!
I want to have a Guinness with you, but I'm to far away
Oh well