I read James and the Giant Peach yesterday. Then watched the movie. I seem to remember liking the movie...but after reading the book I don't like the movie so much. I guess that happens with most movies based on books. I never understood why they couldn't just follow the story...It wasn't too off...even the songs were somewhat the same. It just lacked... Read More
It's nice to see u may stick around.
Your situation sounds eerily similar. Lady Opir is the social butterfly (She and her other 2 Stooges even got the tattoos to prove it ) I would rather catch a flick, get a beer, and get home b4 the crazies come out. I have no problem not going though, she and I both know I will be forgotten if I don't keep up. She does her thing and I do mine. No bitterness, that's how it is to keep both of us happy...
The rest: life is full of compromises. You give a little, he gives a little. As long as no one is drawing absolute lines in the sand, compromises can be reached. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose but in the end it is all good.
Hell City Tattoo Convention this year was awesome. I rather enjoyed it. Met some really fun new people, hung out with my SGAZ buddies. I had really wished to have my leg done by this year but that didn't quite happen. Lack of funds =/ I'm sure there are pictures out there, I didn't take any tho.
My allergies have been haywire lately. So much... Read More
Allergies suck shit dude, I might be feeling them I might not. I know last few years I have I don't think I'm bad. But who knows, I'm still not used to them.
Just like last year you guys came with me to hell city & like last year I had a hell of a time. God bless you two, and now I have a working laptop on the way
I had sooo much fun... I am sure you are in some pics... I will look.. I know I asked you where you are moving but was probably a little tipsy.. So I hope you are moving closer to chandler? And I hate giving blood, I have been known to pass out
idk I thought I should update. Life has been...interesting. New job is awesome tho I'm still not getting paid yet. Volunteering for the training process since I didn't have any clinic experience and they weren't ready to hire. Everyone keeps asking when I'll be hired tho and I did mention that it's costing me a lot of money to drive down there everyday so... Read More
So one of the strippers last night was wearing the most delicious perfume. I could smell it on me for so long after wards. She said it was called Escada. I want it so bad. This was also the stripper that kept putting her titties in my mouth mmmmmmm she was wonderful.
Another one tried to recruit me. She told me where to go to... Read More
I can't sleep. I'm distraught. I had fun last night. For a while. The girls were pretty and friendly and I loved the dances. When we got home I wanted to get in bed and snuggle. I needed to be loved on. However, I went to bed alone.... Read More
I wish stress didn't make me so much more sensitive and suspicious.
I feel like when I'm loaded down with responsibility that the people in my life take advantage of my distraction.
I'm going to see the Paper Tongues on Saturday at the Clubhouse in Tempe.
I don't really want to go...I don't know why. I never really want to go anywhere...but sometimes I force... Read More
I'm closing that night & the night before, which means I get out at midnight both nights. So plans are pretty much officially closed.
I might try for the following saturday though. We'll see