I decided beginning with the blog homework, I swear to try y best and post once or twice a week, today I will make the first and second topics:
If you could invent something what would it be?
Well it probably is something very cliche and fantastical, bit I would be very pleased to invent a tima machine, like the TARDIS, with the possibilities to watch closelly past events, the future to be sincere don't exactly excite me, but the past amazes me a lot, I've complete conscience that in terms of time travel the odds point to the contrary, been probably the most possible the travel to future and travel back the most improbable as it is in Interstelar, yet we're aloud to dream.
Other thing I would like to achieve (if I wouldn't be so lazy to theoric physics) is the comprovation of the Super String theory, but I believe that is about to be proven as the gravitational waves had just been, and we will know that the universe and everything that exist was made by music, as it was believed by ancient people, as also Tolkien was inspired by this ancient believes and create the Ainundalie.
What is your biggest accomplishment in life?
It can seen as very pessimist of my part, but I don really see a great realisation yet, I have a lot of projects, ideas and goals, but not one as great as could be. Not to be a total pessimist (being sincere I'm pretty a optimistic) I'm today a sucessful Mead home brewer, not so active massage terapyst and artisan, I make scenario on damand to RPG and wargames, also sculpt miniatures, I believe this real great accomplishment is still to come.
Well I hope not to be so boring, but all folks hope you like.
@missy @rambo