yeah......been awhile.......i really haven't had anything interesting to say lately.....i have been really trying to get out of a funk i have been in for what seems like FOREVER......just when i think the fog is just grows thicker.......i used to float through lfe enjoying every i just seem to sit here waiting for it to be fun again
blah blah i know all of this must sound lame......i just needed to vent a little...just a little
i need someone to give me a swift kick in the fucking ass and tell me to get over it.......
really....if it was that easy.....i would have people kicking my ass daily
blah blah i know all of this must sound lame......i just needed to vent a little...just a little
i need someone to give me a swift kick in the fucking ass and tell me to get over it.......
really....if it was that easy.....i would have people kicking my ass daily