Hey, Canadians!
Sign this petition!
In October, the CRTC ruled that the larger ISPs here in Canada can start charging us usage based billing.
The means, your unlimited internet plan? Not so unlimited anymore.
Independent ISPs with an unlimited plan? Not going to happen.
Competition against big business from these smaller ISPs? Not anymore!
The CRTC allowing big business to further gouge Canadian consumers on services we already pay comparatively more for then anywhere else in the world? Yup.
Because these large cable companies are unable to stay competitive in the modern information age, they feel the need to penalise their consumers? Maybe if they offered people cable products that were interesting and reasonably priced, people wouldn't be cancelling their cable subscriptions all over the country.
It doesn't make sense that, just because they own the infrastructure, they can arbitrarily "cap" internet usage.
So speak up. Sign the petition at Stop The Meter, find your MP here and email him or her as well, to let them know how you feel about usage based billing.
I am not against usage based billing in the sense that people who use the internet less will be charged less. By all means, off people high speed plans at reasonable rates.
That's not the point.
The point is being charged $150+ per month for a high speed plan with a limit ... and then because you watched a bunch of movies that month (or spent a lot of time on youtube, or like to download your shows in HD, or had to do a load of research or whatever), you now have an extra $2 for every GB you went over. 5 hours of video = $10 extra dollars. And to who?
Bell, or Rogers, who already get a load of money extorted from us on our cell phone use.
Canada and Australia are the only countries in the world without unlimited plans? Crazy!
Oh wait ... What do you mean Australia has free television!? Does that change anything!?
Hey, Canadians!
Sign this petition!
In October, the CRTC ruled that the larger ISPs here in Canada can start charging us usage based billing.
The means, your unlimited internet plan? Not so unlimited anymore.
Independent ISPs with an unlimited plan? Not going to happen.
Competition against big business from these smaller ISPs? Not anymore!
The CRTC allowing big business to further gouge Canadian consumers on services we already pay comparatively more for then anywhere else in the world? Yup.
Because these large cable companies are unable to stay competitive in the modern information age, they feel the need to penalise their consumers? Maybe if they offered people cable products that were interesting and reasonably priced, people wouldn't be cancelling their cable subscriptions all over the country.
It doesn't make sense that, just because they own the infrastructure, they can arbitrarily "cap" internet usage.
So speak up. Sign the petition at Stop The Meter, find your MP here and email him or her as well, to let them know how you feel about usage based billing.
I am not against usage based billing in the sense that people who use the internet less will be charged less. By all means, off people high speed plans at reasonable rates.
That's not the point.
The point is being charged $150+ per month for a high speed plan with a limit ... and then because you watched a bunch of movies that month (or spent a lot of time on youtube, or like to download your shows in HD, or had to do a load of research or whatever), you now have an extra $2 for every GB you went over. 5 hours of video = $10 extra dollars. And to who?
Bell, or Rogers, who already get a load of money extorted from us on our cell phone use.
Canada and Australia are the only countries in the world without unlimited plans? Crazy!
Oh wait ... What do you mean Australia has free television!? Does that change anything!?
that sucks. 

YES! I saw Low Spin. The singer used to front the Smears and I also loved them.