ah, so being set up with friends of friends is not a good idea, especially when said friend is in the middle of psuedodating someone about to leave the country forever. random drama last night. what a waste of time. its sad, because the boy is a super cute RMT in training with sweet dreads and GREAT taste in music. oh well. NEXT! haha.
i have spent a total of one night in my new place since moving in. its pretty funny, but im living out of a suitcase still, and sleeping on couches. haha. i guess i just really love the vagrant lifestyle. i kind of feel bad, but whatever. my roomie is pretty chill, but i creamed out the bread the other day and havent been home to replace it. i did fill the fridge with fruit though, and put random goodies like jasmine rice and brazilian coffee in the cupboards.
today was day 17 in a row for hot yoga. 2 inches off my waist already!! im a size 8!!! i cant believe it! tree planting took me down from a 12 to a 10 in 3 months, which i thought was amazing ... but this is incredible. i feel so healthy and wonderful. im losing weight in the healthiest way ever ... and my practice is continually expanding and deepening. today, the instructor, daniel, stopped me after class to tell me that if i ever had any questions about any of the asanas, or wanted a workshop or some private practice, then to let him know. right before that, he complimented my ability to get into some really incredible back bends. i need to work on my forward bends a little - i tend to bend fully back, but not let it all go in the forward bends, which explains the tightness im sometimes getting in my lower back. aha! he is SUPER cute, so i totally think i will take him up on that offer. i just checked the online schedule, and he isnt scheduled to teach at all next week, but next time he's in, im going to his class for sure!!
tonight is my girl Mackenzie's bday! im super stoked. im going to try not to drink much, because i drank like a fish last night, and sweating all that crap out in class today was just a little too much for me. i sweat more than i ever have today. it was kinda gross. kinda.
im really happy right now, and i really hope that everyone is as happy as i am.
i have spent a total of one night in my new place since moving in. its pretty funny, but im living out of a suitcase still, and sleeping on couches. haha. i guess i just really love the vagrant lifestyle. i kind of feel bad, but whatever. my roomie is pretty chill, but i creamed out the bread the other day and havent been home to replace it. i did fill the fridge with fruit though, and put random goodies like jasmine rice and brazilian coffee in the cupboards.
today was day 17 in a row for hot yoga. 2 inches off my waist already!! im a size 8!!! i cant believe it! tree planting took me down from a 12 to a 10 in 3 months, which i thought was amazing ... but this is incredible. i feel so healthy and wonderful. im losing weight in the healthiest way ever ... and my practice is continually expanding and deepening. today, the instructor, daniel, stopped me after class to tell me that if i ever had any questions about any of the asanas, or wanted a workshop or some private practice, then to let him know. right before that, he complimented my ability to get into some really incredible back bends. i need to work on my forward bends a little - i tend to bend fully back, but not let it all go in the forward bends, which explains the tightness im sometimes getting in my lower back. aha! he is SUPER cute, so i totally think i will take him up on that offer. i just checked the online schedule, and he isnt scheduled to teach at all next week, but next time he's in, im going to his class for sure!!

tonight is my girl Mackenzie's bday! im super stoked. im going to try not to drink much, because i drank like a fish last night, and sweating all that crap out in class today was just a little too much for me. i sweat more than i ever have today. it was kinda gross. kinda.
im really happy right now, and i really hope that everyone is as happy as i am.

damn, i would have loved to do some free yoga. sadly, i'm leaving vancouver on wednesday.
come to the cambie for an informal bon voyage!
tomorrow -8ish