i slept through most of today and it was awesome. i did a friend's makeup for his class today. i think its terrible and i should never do drag makeup again, but other people seemed to like it, so whatever.
and now im waiting. and waiting to find out if i am going to BC is killing me.
xmas is coming. am i spending spending or should i be saving for a one-way ticket to living again?
i dont know what to do.
i know im not 100% happy right now. but no one ever is so im not bitching, im just trying to figure out how to get happy again. or something.
i missed piano last week for stupid 30 seconds to mars. but i met a nice boy whose name is jeremy. he won my heart with a shot of jager and so i gave him my number.
i was amazed that he actually called because right after i walked away from him, my 'friend' who came with me freaked out that i was rude and was ignoring her. i agreed, because it was rude of me, and i was going to apologise until she made some stupid comment about how she expects that sort of behaviour from me or somethign equally retarded and rude and mean.
my rudeness was a product of drunken distraction and thoughtlessness. i was not malicious, just foolish. her comments after the fact were hurtful and they stung, and i am not forgiving her for her rudeness towards me. i was so drunk i almost believed her bullshit. but then when i sobered up i realised she's a bitch and
so i am short a friend. and i dont care, because if that is how she is going to treat people consider her a friend, then i am better off.
yoga tomorrow. thank goodness, because i need to destress.
i keep falling asleep at the end of class. i think that just means i dont get enough sleep.
speaking of sleep, im going to go have a bath and then some tea and then paint until im tired again.
fun fun.
and now im waiting. and waiting to find out if i am going to BC is killing me.
xmas is coming. am i spending spending or should i be saving for a one-way ticket to living again?
i dont know what to do.
i know im not 100% happy right now. but no one ever is so im not bitching, im just trying to figure out how to get happy again. or something.
i missed piano last week for stupid 30 seconds to mars. but i met a nice boy whose name is jeremy. he won my heart with a shot of jager and so i gave him my number.
i was amazed that he actually called because right after i walked away from him, my 'friend' who came with me freaked out that i was rude and was ignoring her. i agreed, because it was rude of me, and i was going to apologise until she made some stupid comment about how she expects that sort of behaviour from me or somethign equally retarded and rude and mean.
my rudeness was a product of drunken distraction and thoughtlessness. i was not malicious, just foolish. her comments after the fact were hurtful and they stung, and i am not forgiving her for her rudeness towards me. i was so drunk i almost believed her bullshit. but then when i sobered up i realised she's a bitch and
so i am short a friend. and i dont care, because if that is how she is going to treat people consider her a friend, then i am better off.
yoga tomorrow. thank goodness, because i need to destress.
i keep falling asleep at the end of class. i think that just means i dont get enough sleep.
speaking of sleep, im going to go have a bath and then some tea and then paint until im tired again.
fun fun.
i can't not play with it... its a fricken splinter in the my mouth.... which, most of it is now gone after elizabeth extracted it, but yeah.... it sucks...
Hey you havn't been on MSN, Fill me in whats going on girlfriend???