Hey, Canadians!
Sign this petition!
In October, the CRTC ruled that the larger ISPs here in Canada can start charging us usage based billing.
The means, your unlimited internet plan? Not so unlimited anymore.
Independent ISPs with an unlimited plan? Not going to happen.
Competition against big business from these smaller ISPs? Not anymore!
The CRTC allowing big business to further gouge...
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Hey, Canadians!
Sign this petition!
In October, the CRTC ruled that the larger ISPs here in Canada can start charging us usage based billing.
The means, your unlimited internet plan? Not so unlimited anymore.
Independent ISPs with an unlimited plan? Not going to happen.
Competition against big business from these smaller ISPs? Not anymore!
The CRTC allowing big business to further gouge...
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that sucks. 

YES! I saw Low Spin. The singer used to front the Smears and I also loved them.
my biology class has too many assignments.
and now im sick again with something completely different!
i have a head cold now! hahaha
stupid non-winter!!
and now im sick again with something completely different!
i have a head cold now! hahaha
stupid non-winter!!

I shouldn't have the information. I'd just constantly call him and scream at him for being a shitty representative, and an overall awful human being.
I am in Edmonton and have been fighting something all week. I'm looking forward to the BC non winter to you stay on the mainland with your germs
I'm stoked. So stoked, that I am already packed. Like, done. Fully packed, 100% ready to fucking go.
i'm having some hummus and some shirley temples. feel free to drink and be silly and offer to buy me drinks. i will say no. because i no longer drink.
i should get...
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I'm stoked. So stoked, that I am already packed. Like, done. Fully packed, 100% ready to fucking go.
i'm having some hummus and some shirley temples. feel free to drink and be silly and offer to buy me drinks. i will say no. because i no longer drink.
i should get...
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Im going to go! I cant believe your leaving again! We never get to hang out!
I want to take a poop in your pillowcase and blame it on Temper.
So I finished my cleanse. I lost like 8 pounds. Which is crazy.
I didnt have enough energy to work out while I was cleansing (I'm kind of suprised I still had enough energy to function on a day-to-day basis without eating anything), so I started working out again today. Trained abs, did a yoga DVD, and I feel awesome.
I have to drink OJ...
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I didnt have enough energy to work out while I was cleansing (I'm kind of suprised I still had enough energy to function on a day-to-day basis without eating anything), so I started working out again today. Trained abs, did a yoga DVD, and I feel awesome.
I have to drink OJ...
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congrats on the cleanse...
and tree planting sounds fun, i have some friends that are into that chit =)
good luck getting into school!!
fingers crossed fo sho
and tree planting sounds fun, i have some friends that are into that chit =)
good luck getting into school!!
fingers crossed fo sho
Your leaving soon???
We have to do something before you leave!

We have to do something before you leave!
So onto Day 5. Managed to get the salt water down without barfing. Hooray!
Skipped it yesterday. Haha.
I also appear to have accepted a dare to stay on the cleanse for two weeks. SO now I have 9 more days, and not 5. Which is fine with me. I restocked on maple syrup, and lemons. and even bought some limes so I could switch...
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Skipped it yesterday. Haha.
I also appear to have accepted a dare to stay on the cleanse for two weeks. SO now I have 9 more days, and not 5. Which is fine with me. I restocked on maple syrup, and lemons. and even bought some limes so I could switch...
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we should hang 
yes mastercleanser we do know about, but I recon the scandinavians prefer sauna and beer hehe
if you are a genuine redhead maybe you would too

yes mastercleanser we do know about, but I recon the scandinavians prefer sauna and beer hehe
if you are a genuine redhead maybe you would too

the mastercleanse i reccommend is the one where you get really fucked up for four or five days. i always lose like 10 lbs. good times.
The 'Master Cleanse' is killing me. I just started day 3. After downing my quart of salt water this morning, I feel as if I am going to vomit. Ugh. I know this feeling will pass, but this is the first time the salt water made me feel sick.
And I am starting to get sick of lemonade. So sick of it that I have...
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And I am starting to get sick of lemonade. So sick of it that I have...
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hewllo, are you crazy?
like in the movies, drunken master cleanser from clearsil? What is this?
like in the movies, drunken master cleanser from clearsil? What is this?

Eeesh! Master cleanse is a big one. Good luck!
So um... how is it that you like Rushdie, Gaiman, Rowling, Metroid and Zelda AND you live in Vancouver yet somehow we're not friends yet? How does that work?
It doesn't, that's how.
So um... how is it that you like Rushdie, Gaiman, Rowling, Metroid and Zelda AND you live in Vancouver yet somehow we're not friends yet? How does that work?
It doesn't, that's how.

i finished a yoga challenge at work this past weekend. i did 60 classes in 60 days.
today i started the master cleanse.
and i am continuing my challenge to 90 classes in 90 days.
ah, getting in shape for planting ... fun times.
today i started the master cleanse.
and i am continuing my challenge to 90 classes in 90 days.
ah, getting in shape for planting ... fun times.

Tree planting?
Thanks! had a job lined up planting in Alberta, years ago, but ended up learning my forestry in Scotland - always wanted to go back to Canada
i keep thinking im going to start writing again. and then i stop.
something just doesn't feel right. i've got a bunch of stories stuck in my head, and they really want to come out.
every time i try to get them out, i just fuck them up. so i haven't written anything in ... almost two months. two months! i haven't even made notes...
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something just doesn't feel right. i've got a bunch of stories stuck in my head, and they really want to come out.
every time i try to get them out, i just fuck them up. so i haven't written anything in ... almost two months. two months! i haven't even made notes...
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hey, yah, lets get together soon?
I KNOW!!!! I've been in Vancouver and I think it's the best place on Earth with the most amazing people.
Thank you for the add
Take care
Thank you for the add
Take care
Ok, so I don't have cable. Which is fine. I prefer to avoid brainwashing at all costs.
However, I have apparently been missing out. On Dexter.
I just finished watching the first season (it only took me three days ... I have no life, clearly), and I am baffled. Shocked. Aghast. Stunned.
And completely fucking hypnotised.
I am mesmerized. Spellbound. Oddly curious, and somehow comforted....
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However, I have apparently been missing out. On Dexter.
I just finished watching the first season (it only took me three days ... I have no life, clearly), and I am baffled. Shocked. Aghast. Stunned.
And completely fucking hypnotised.
I am mesmerized. Spellbound. Oddly curious, and somehow comforted....
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I have lived without cable or satellite now for 3+ years now and engross myself in books. It is quite cool actually. I usually find an interesting series...wait til the end and watch all the dvds at once.
Serial killers are nuts, I'm more a heroes man myself. but Sylar's their answer to the psychopath and I've got a love/hate relationship that's turning more and more towards love with every episode.
that and Zachary Quinto (sylar) is Spock on the new Star Trek flick.
that and Zachary Quinto (sylar) is Spock on the new Star Trek flick.
..and it keeps on growing, so you can do it all over again (not so mine, sadly
) I really liked your blogs and pics from the monastery - where was that?

Hey, at least you don't have mine.