I will disappear
When given a chance
taken before forethought
can enter the scene
to free fall into the spaces of you
never intending to return
settling into an altruistic realm of unforgiving reality
created while watching my body moving over yours
across your skin
slick with the sweat formed amid
flashes of passion
caught in the cold air of Winters night
not long to live
before carnal acts will tire
and leave two bodies exhausted from living
heaped upon one another
you on me
breathing gently, heavily, sleepily
and me
still world weary
ebbing back from the spaces of you.
When given a chance
taken before forethought
can enter the scene
to free fall into the spaces of you
never intending to return
settling into an altruistic realm of unforgiving reality
created while watching my body moving over yours
across your skin
slick with the sweat formed amid
flashes of passion
caught in the cold air of Winters night
not long to live
before carnal acts will tire
and leave two bodies exhausted from living
heaped upon one another
you on me
breathing gently, heavily, sleepily
and me
still world weary
ebbing back from the spaces of you.
i love the movement