Is this my subconscious working in overtime? Overdriven.
Keeping pace. The imagination I once kept,
Secret and solitary,
Hidden in plain view.
Scarlet tissues dried to touch
Velvet voices keep the ear. Attention,
And beg the question to drown a coffee drink.
Anise to chew.
Used. Flavor for the drink of choice. Absinthe tinted glasses. I did not Beg, I know you knew I knew you. Old. Worn. And taken in turns of torn, Lace from crypt.
A mirror reflects. Bends Light to capture the eye.
Circulate and beat, one two three, four and again. . .
Repeat. As if you need instruction. . .
Arbitrary words associated with death. . . coffin nails in soviet dreams.
Meant to bend and play with random things.
Introduction. Indiscriminate. Renaissance in the heart of things. Heat of the moment spent dwelling. Perpetually in stop. Motion. Animation.
Kinetic Energy spent upon the grave.
I know you knew I knew you.
Keeping pace. The imagination I once kept,
Secret and solitary,
Hidden in plain view.
Scarlet tissues dried to touch
Velvet voices keep the ear. Attention,
And beg the question to drown a coffee drink.
Anise to chew.
Used. Flavor for the drink of choice. Absinthe tinted glasses. I did not Beg, I know you knew I knew you. Old. Worn. And taken in turns of torn, Lace from crypt.
A mirror reflects. Bends Light to capture the eye.
Circulate and beat, one two three, four and again. . .
Repeat. As if you need instruction. . .
Arbitrary words associated with death. . . coffin nails in soviet dreams.
Meant to bend and play with random things.
Introduction. Indiscriminate. Renaissance in the heart of things. Heat of the moment spent dwelling. Perpetually in stop. Motion. Animation.
Kinetic Energy spent upon the grave.
I know you knew I knew you.

or person
has a thinking part
that wonders what
the part that isnt thinking
isnt thinking of
should you worry when the skullhead is in front of you
or is it worse because its always waiting
where youre eyes dont go
and i have to say.
someone out there. .