following the will and when we may just go where no one's been and find ourselves reeling in the ideas of the agony and the ecstasy of the ideas and the feelings of the desire we know nothing of and the pieces of humanity which I am only dreaming of what of the next the past the present where is this going and where has it been what are we in the scheme and the bodies in motion making reality less that it has ever been before this hour of reckoning and succumbing to the notions of the goddess in front of you sitting face to face with reality unaware of the consequences and the circumstances of the gathering like the cradle to the fire and in the fashion of the dove to the angels moving and pivoting on end in an attempt to become something real to the world around you you are willing to draw the razorblade across the skin, to break the wrist one more time and you are fainting watching me drink your crimson flow just another attempt to become human and recognize me in your mind. . . .

loved the entry...i thought i was the queen of run on sentence till today! 

A chant from a Grimore,mind stirring, hipnotic: the dancing light in a serpents eyes at the moment of strike.