So for the last few weeks, I've been so shady. Like whoa. I'm so damn greedy! I want the best sex ever (thanks Ryan) but I also want the sweetest boyfriend ever, which I am obviously not going to get. I want somebody who will help me fix my bike and go zoobombing with me every week and who will eat pizza with me and will tie me up with duct tape (sticky side down) and proceed to fuck/slap the shit out of me. IS THAT TOO HARD TO ASK? Cus apparently it is.
So for the last few weeks, I've been so shady. Like whoa. I'm so damn greedy! I want the best sex ever (thanks Ryan) but I also want the sweetest boyfriend ever, which I am obviously not going to get. I want somebody who will help me fix my bike and go zoobombing with me every week and who will eat pizza with me and will tie me up with duct tape (sticky side down) and proceed to fuck/slap the shit out of me. IS THAT TOO HARD TO ASK? Cus apparently it is.

Zoobombing on ice? If you were there, I would be. Duct tape or even a girls own pantyhose works to get things tied up right before a rough interlude. All she has to do is ask.