
"When it goes right, it goes soooo right."
Josh Martinez

I'm not going to say things are good, but let's just say things are good. I may have a new job at Sitel. Things with Ryan are really peachy right now because somehow or another we both managed to verbalize what we want out of eachother... and what we wanted seemed to match up....
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Have not really been here much in a long time. Hope you are well.

Planning a trip to go snowbaording in colorado and Utah, No snow in Pacific NW!!!!!!!!

Check out my new biodiesel/ Burningman project truck i just bought up in Canada, it is one of my pics.

I am always looking to have fun and do little photo shoots with peeps now that I am getting used to the switch from analog to digital SLR. Let me know if you know any folks looking for shots. Especially band and fashion shots. Might even be fun to do a few joint projects. I am talking to some of my make-up and stylist friends about help when i need it..
Yikesa, busy day of laundry and making eyes with the fellow across the library.
The photos from my shoot turned out so beautiful!!!!

love love love

check out Grace and Beauty- Robbie to see a quick sample.

Things are good. I am bored. Somebody email me.
Today=lamers. Just FYI.

I shall get my oak tree tattoo done. Yeahhhhhhyuh! But I still think it's a better idea to cheese out with some funny old english thing on my back. The thing is, the word I have in mind looks really silly in old english. MUTHAFACKO! mad
There is definately something to be said about gettin Old english lettering on your back. If i didnt have dreams of having ink dont like tha Yakuza, than i so yould do that. However it wouldnt flow well withthe whole asian/modern look i want to have all my tats based on. Go with the oak tree. Hope you had a great b-day.

Oh and i love your Makes me Happy choices. Nothin better than trading the workshoes for my solomons, and my work clothes for some good jeans, a wool sweater, and a backpack. and loosing ones self in the forest.
Thanks for the grand birthday wishes, everybody!!!

Sadly enough, I don't know any good jokes. frown
Booyaz, muthafuckos, I'm staying in Portland for a few more years instead of fleeing to Oakland.

I have some birthday money due, so I think I'm going to get a tat. And a ps2. And San Andreas.

Ok, so I kind of want to get my tatt in cheesey old english. I know I'll probably regret it, but what the hey. It'll be better than...
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Had a good weekend full of work and Ryan. Ended up making it to zoobomb, which was cool. Brought my banana seater this time, which is nice because it's easier to peddle but really sucks because it's slower. So yeah I finished last every single time. Hooray. *wank*

I have myself a very important meeting tomorrow which will dictate whether or not I shall...
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hey zoobomba, congrats on the weekend, but best of luck on that meeting. We still have a Birthday pint to take care of....
Happy Monday!
Alright, buddy. Sunday it is, RAIN OR SHINE! kiss
Rain or shine! What does your bike look like? I just got a mini that needs built. I may weld some extra stuff on it to make it special. I am getting TCB worked into my arm somewhere. Cause thats what I do. Takin Care of Business. Can you sew vinyl on your machine? Seatcovers? You have skills that could be useful to me, not just sewing.
New mini swooped up tonight. Big plans. You rock your hood, definitely the coolest kid there. Keep rollin' bike girl. kiss
So for the last few weeks, I've been so shady. Like whoa. I'm so damn greedy! I want the best sex ever (thanks Ryan) but I also want the sweetest boyfriend ever, which I am obviously not going to get. I want somebody who will help me fix my bike and go zoobombing with me every week and who will eat pizza with me...
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Zoobombing on ice? If you were there, I would be. Duct tape or even a girls own pantyhose works to get things tied up right before a rough interlude. All she has to do is ask. kiss

I'm a new member, mainly cus I wanted to post harrassing comments on a friends page! hahaha check her out her name on here is Felony and she has cute little chickenlegs. love hahaha

I'm going to get my prospective tattoo estimated tomorrow with Amanda. YAY! I'm guessing it'll be like 150 or so....? It's going to be in cutesy graffiti outline and say "ROWDY"....
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Welcome to sg and don't worry you won't chicken out, just remember to go first.
Where the F* are you? I need to have a go at you!!!!! Did you see RJD2 last week? Ohm has a great drum & bass night or did. Log on soooooooooon