I at least know that the Heimlich maneuver works when a person chokes.
On a random thought before story time...what do you do if you're choking and you're alone so you have no one to do the heimlich maneuver and using a chair doesn't work but you can't speak to talk to 911. Can you text 911? Like seriously?
As for story time about choking...
as I mentioned previously, I just got my wisdom teeth taken out a week and a day ago. My face is still swollen (but not so noticeable now), gums still hurt, and apparently I still need to eat soft food. Reason being...the other day I was absolutely starving. I'm tired of having to eat special foods...mashed potatos. Jello. Soup. etc. Because let's face it...after a while...it just is bland, boring, annoying, and I'm always still hungry. One drunk night I hate a burger king burger and while I regretted it a little the next day, had random food coming out of my mouth all that day, I hate it and it was delicious. The next day, aka Wednesday, I was at a friends house and she had cooked Terriyaki Chicken. I decided to try it. So I got a few little pieces of chicken to eat and some garlic bread. That chicken was absolutely delicious. But it wasn't as tender as I needed it. It hurt too much to chew with my back teeth so I was chewing with my front teeth. When I was chewing with my front teeth, a piece of the chicken...pretty much the whole chicken piece...went down my throat.
My thoughts were I think the chicken just went down, I really hope I don't choke. Oh fuck. I need something to drink. So my friend Savannah hands me her drink to try to wash it down because she saw the look on my face and she said it just wasn't a normal look. The drink...sat on top of the chicken. it didn't go down. My thoughts were you know sometimes you get a piece of food to go down and you need something to drink to wash it all the way down. Didn't work so well. My other thoughts were I'm not choking, I'm not choking, oh fucking I can't speak, cough, drink...yep...this is what they say choking is. Fuck.
One of our other friends sees me and is like Lauren are you okay? Lauren are you okay? I shook my head know and did the universal choking sign. He of course was freaking out. Everyone was. But he was smart enough to get up and do the Heimlich maneuver on me. He was screaming to my friends dad saying what do I do Kirk what do I do? It isn't working. Etc. Of course the drink I had just drank came up...all over me...and the floor. I was quite embarrassed to say the least. My friend was also saying I'm afraid I'm breaking a rib. I'm going to hurt her. Etc. I really wanted to say...I don't give a fuck...get this fucking chicken out of me so I can breathe. Break a rib if you need to. After a good minute or two...which felt like ten minutes...Trey was tired and freaking out and told my friends dad to please try because it wasn't working. I heard my friend in the background say "do we need to call someone" and I shook my head yes...I think. She was getting the phone to dial 911 and at that moment of me being tossed from one person to the other...my friends dad actually hit the right spot and the maneuver was more forceful and stronger but just one slowly at a time instead of picking me up and just trying. Poor friend...he really tried his hardest but just didn't know what to do. Anyways...after a few seconds or minutes or I don't really know...I was about to pass out...all of a sudden I could cough. So I kind of moved away ish because I was scared he was going to lodge the chicken back in me because it wasn't all the way out yet. And I coughed up the chicken.
And all that time...during this I just knew it was going to happen like in the movies...the chicken fly across the room. I guess I stepped away to cough it out too soon.
For a good while after I was shaky. I kept saying sorry. I was truly embarrassed. I was like well...that was a first. For all of us. My friend kept asking all night if my ribs were okay. He really was afraid he broke them. I told him it felt like I did some karate and got my ass whooped. lol. I do feel like I got my ass whooped...because my face hurts such as my jaws and gums from surgery, and my ribs hurt and are bruised from this. But...I had friends that put up a fight and did the right thing...and the heimlich maneuver really works. That was the scariest shit of my life. I definitely didn't finish the chicken I had on my plate.
So I decided until my gums are fully healed...and I mean...fully...I'm just going to have to starve and stick to soft mushy same old food. And even so...I think I'll be scared of real food for a good long while.
The funnier part about it...avarice25 my fiance kept making comments about how are you sure you weren't trying to make people happy about themselves, and how I was like Jesus. and I recognized the reference. Etc. But it finally clicked on me two days later...that I just made him read the book Choke. If that's the case...which I wish it was...then I hope they send me some money. jk jk.
On a random thought before story time...what do you do if you're choking and you're alone so you have no one to do the heimlich maneuver and using a chair doesn't work but you can't speak to talk to 911. Can you text 911? Like seriously?
As for story time about choking...
as I mentioned previously, I just got my wisdom teeth taken out a week and a day ago. My face is still swollen (but not so noticeable now), gums still hurt, and apparently I still need to eat soft food. Reason being...the other day I was absolutely starving. I'm tired of having to eat special foods...mashed potatos. Jello. Soup. etc. Because let's face it...after a while...it just is bland, boring, annoying, and I'm always still hungry. One drunk night I hate a burger king burger and while I regretted it a little the next day, had random food coming out of my mouth all that day, I hate it and it was delicious. The next day, aka Wednesday, I was at a friends house and she had cooked Terriyaki Chicken. I decided to try it. So I got a few little pieces of chicken to eat and some garlic bread. That chicken was absolutely delicious. But it wasn't as tender as I needed it. It hurt too much to chew with my back teeth so I was chewing with my front teeth. When I was chewing with my front teeth, a piece of the chicken...pretty much the whole chicken piece...went down my throat.
My thoughts were I think the chicken just went down, I really hope I don't choke. Oh fuck. I need something to drink. So my friend Savannah hands me her drink to try to wash it down because she saw the look on my face and she said it just wasn't a normal look. The drink...sat on top of the chicken. it didn't go down. My thoughts were you know sometimes you get a piece of food to go down and you need something to drink to wash it all the way down. Didn't work so well. My other thoughts were I'm not choking, I'm not choking, oh fucking I can't speak, cough, drink...yep...this is what they say choking is. Fuck.
One of our other friends sees me and is like Lauren are you okay? Lauren are you okay? I shook my head know and did the universal choking sign. He of course was freaking out. Everyone was. But he was smart enough to get up and do the Heimlich maneuver on me. He was screaming to my friends dad saying what do I do Kirk what do I do? It isn't working. Etc. Of course the drink I had just drank came up...all over me...and the floor. I was quite embarrassed to say the least. My friend was also saying I'm afraid I'm breaking a rib. I'm going to hurt her. Etc. I really wanted to say...I don't give a fuck...get this fucking chicken out of me so I can breathe. Break a rib if you need to. After a good minute or two...which felt like ten minutes...Trey was tired and freaking out and told my friends dad to please try because it wasn't working. I heard my friend in the background say "do we need to call someone" and I shook my head yes...I think. She was getting the phone to dial 911 and at that moment of me being tossed from one person to the other...my friends dad actually hit the right spot and the maneuver was more forceful and stronger but just one slowly at a time instead of picking me up and just trying. Poor friend...he really tried his hardest but just didn't know what to do. Anyways...after a few seconds or minutes or I don't really know...I was about to pass out...all of a sudden I could cough. So I kind of moved away ish because I was scared he was going to lodge the chicken back in me because it wasn't all the way out yet. And I coughed up the chicken.
And all that time...during this I just knew it was going to happen like in the movies...the chicken fly across the room. I guess I stepped away to cough it out too soon.
For a good while after I was shaky. I kept saying sorry. I was truly embarrassed. I was like well...that was a first. For all of us. My friend kept asking all night if my ribs were okay. He really was afraid he broke them. I told him it felt like I did some karate and got my ass whooped. lol. I do feel like I got my ass whooped...because my face hurts such as my jaws and gums from surgery, and my ribs hurt and are bruised from this. But...I had friends that put up a fight and did the right thing...and the heimlich maneuver really works. That was the scariest shit of my life. I definitely didn't finish the chicken I had on my plate.

So I decided until my gums are fully healed...and I mean...fully...I'm just going to have to starve and stick to soft mushy same old food. And even so...I think I'll be scared of real food for a good long while.
The funnier part about it...avarice25 my fiance kept making comments about how are you sure you weren't trying to make people happy about themselves, and how I was like Jesus. and I recognized the reference. Etc. But it finally clicked on me two days later...that I just made him read the book Choke. If that's the case...which I wish it was...then I hope they send me some money. jk jk.
Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my set

Haha yeah i know :3 google+ is like what beta xD