I just want to dig myself into a big fat hole and disappear. I just wish that things were how they used to. I just wish that he loved me. blahs. I just want to go away. far far away.
Long time no see.
I suck at blogs. haha. I haven't been on the computer in FOREVER. I always use my cell phone for stuff now. I guess I should start back using the computer. But since my love is home and no longer overseas I don't have to be on the computer. Basically my life consists of random adventures with him and friends, beach,...
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I really have no clue how to use this site now. :( It's changed a lot and I haven't had time to get online lately. Forgive me.
I hope everyone is doing well. xoxo.
Life is busy right now.
Hope everyone is doing well.

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I hope everyone is doing well.
Under the Boardwalk It's getting close to 1000 comments. yay.
Thanks for the support!

I lost the baby.

I have to go for surgery tomorrow.
PS catheters suck! I learned that last night in the ER.
Not much of an update here. I guess I'll post a better blog later.
Not in the mood right now.
Leave some love on Under the Boardwalk if you like it.
I hope all is well.