Dad is doing really good, and of course Adore stays on him to use his spirometer like he is supposed to. He has had a nurse everyday, and afer one week it goes down to every other day. I'm sure he loves Adore being there with him keeping him company while mom works.
More Blogs
Saturday Feb 23, 2008
Adore had a baby on Feb. 13th, named Dylan Xavier. Nikki had a boy o… -
Friday Sep 28, 2007
Adore is having a boy and it is due around the 25th of Feb. Her sist… -
Wednesday Dec 20, 2006
Well just when you think life can't get any suckier, you have to deal… -
Wednesday Sep 06, 2006
Dad is doing really good, and of course Adore stays on him to use his… -
Thursday Aug 31, 2006
Dad came out of his surgery okay, his heart is going to be as good as… -
Friday Aug 25, 2006
What an interesting few days. Adore will be moving in tomorrow, whic… -
Saturday Aug 05, 2006
Sometimes I just want to go out and play with the big boys, but no, I… -
Tuesday Jul 18, 2006
Some people live like they were dying and unfortunately, I live like … -
Wednesday Jul 12, 2006
I want to learn to post pictures on here damn it, but I can't figure … -