I really want to learn how to do Roller Derby! I became a fan of it back in 05' when the reailty show Roller Girls was on t.v. and just recently watching the movie Whip It made me want to do it even more! Unfortuantly there isn't a team in my hometown frown The closest is an hour away. I would love to start one up...
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is drinking a beer, thinking of what to eat...tired and bored but do not want to go to bed...whatever
I have been slacking on What to Wear! I am obsessed with Bejeweled Blitz!!! lol
How's the planning going?
Lost my over 2000 songs on my computer frown Now I have to think of them all again....*sigh* better get started
Maybe if everyone on here can suggest a song biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
I'd be gutted if I lost my music, it's what gets me through every day frown
I am at 200... My mind is at a blank...
STRESS: The confusion caused when ones mind overrides the bodys natural desire to choke the living shit out of some asshole that desperately needs it.
...and there are so many that desperately need it
Is getting frustrated!! I cannot find a song to walk down the aisle to for the life of me!!!! eeek PLEASE HELP! If anyone out there in the great world of Suicde Girls knows of any songs that would be perfect...please let me know!! biggrinkiss
Spent the morning in er with my 4 yr old, Damn dog jumped up on her pushing her chin into the corner of the coffee table. Ended up needing the cut taped shut. Then I only broght $2 with me for parking because that's all I thought it was...of course it was $5 and I end up with a $20 ticket frown and the nurses there...
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Oh I hear you, lots of hating nurses out there....its really too bad, the last thing a sick or hurt individual needs is a bitchface of a nurse.
Spent the weekend at my BFF's, while both of our men were in Collingwood snowboardng. We still had our kids but still had a nice relaxing weekend (that god for Wii). Did a little shopping, picked up some take-out, played some wii, went out Saturday night with a couple of our other friends for some drinks and late night snacks...all in all a good weekend...
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LOL I love that second picture hahahah awesome! Sounds like a nice lil weekend.
Good luck with your wedding! I'm going to college for nursing. I start tomorrow. The snow is really pretty, I don't think it ever snows in San Antonio.frown
Looks beautiful, it was bitter cold here.
It's Friday night...that mean's a movie, popcorn and some beer smile I think we are going to watch The Fianl Destination tonight...looks good and gory smile

Tomorrow will be a busy day...take Keira to skating lessons, go with my maid of honor and bridesmaids to order their dresses, then go out with my bff to get our hair did! I wish I could get some cool streaks...
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What a fun weekend!!!!
Yay for fun hair stuff! lol
Don't forget to make your outfits this weekend though! ha ha ha wink
Sounds like a lot of fun. When is your wedding?
I am really, really, really getting ansy about wanting to get a sleeve!! I currently have 7 tattoos randomly placed on my body...but I have wanted a sleeve for as along as I could remeber!!! Everytime I looked down at my wrist tat it makes me want even more on my arm and when I see my fiance sleeve starting to come along nicely...I am...
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Awww...Moms, I tell ya. lol wink
I can't bring myself to get a tattoo where anyone can see it, I change my mind too much. lol
Ok...just HAD to tell you...I FINALLY made an outfit in the game and I am SO addicted!!! LoL Now what?! Only one a day? How does it work? wink
Sleep is good, but mine i always interrupted.
That is so cool that you donated your hair...I feel like mine will never be long enough to do that. lol