2:36am...and too achy to sleep. Being sick sucks balls
Watching the movie 'Go' which is on tv. Have seen a few times already but a good movie none the less
I can't believe it is 2011 already. Lets hope this one is a good year for me!!! I have to say 2010 royaly sucked for me. My mom passing away is the hardest thing I have ever delt with. My hubby and I are trying for a baby this yr though...that will be happy news!
Itching for a new tattoo...I want something to go along with my peacock tattoo, but still not sure if I want to stick to a theme or not. Well attempting to go to bed now, starting to feel worse! Goodnight xo

I can't believe it is 2011 already. Lets hope this one is a good year for me!!! I have to say 2010 royaly sucked for me. My mom passing away is the hardest thing I have ever delt with. My hubby and I are trying for a baby this yr though...that will be happy news!
Itching for a new tattoo...I want something to go along with my peacock tattoo, but still not sure if I want to stick to a theme or not. Well attempting to go to bed now, starting to feel worse! Goodnight xo

A baby sounds awesome!