Hey everyone!
I sprained my ankle a week ago when I was partying in Montreal. (to be honest it was in a mosh pit but thats a much longer story) and I am almost healed! I was able to take the tensor bandage off today and walk around my house without too much pain, and my swelling has gone down quite a bit! I have individual toes again, Yay!
I learned a lot of interesting things when I was injured. Things I didn't think I would have to worry about otherwise. But it was also due to my birthday this week (I'm 22! woohoo) that I noticed a lot of things.
First off, I noticed how much my weight fluctuates now. I drank myself silly in Montreal, and was planning to work off the weight when I returned to Toronto so I would be in prime condition for my birthday, but with my ankle in the shape it was there was no way that could happen. Even with a restrained diet (helped that I didn't have much food in the house to begin with) I wasn't able to move around and work off anything. Ontop of that, I ate multiple cupcakes, chocolate, donuts, and drank a lot from Wednesday straight through till today! I've haven't felt this sluggish all year, and it sucks. I wanted to be able to go out for my birthday with my girls, and look hot while doing it! Sadly we ended up having a house party and I was restrained to a chair for most of the evening.
I'm very excited to go back to the gym on Monday when I finish class and beat myself up some more.
On the plus side, I had a lot of opportunity to catch up on a lot of things I've been putting off. As well as check out a lot of new anime I've been holding out on! And some shows that a cute boy has recommended, which is always a good thing to do.
Oh and I guess catching up on some school work. but thats mostly due to the fact I haven't been going to work since I sprained my ankle. My paychecks gonna such big time, but atleast I'll be caught up in school and my body will have rested.