i'm feeling thoughful, i guess you could say. for months i've been wondering about fate and reason. i wonder if things actually do happen for a reason, and, if so, why? i've found myself leaning towards the idea that destiny exists.... and then we occasionally get kicked in the ass by a change. our world turns upside down. this world in which we thought was written in stone. i just ashed on my keyboard damnit. ok, so, suddenly things change...as is expected. but what if the change is so sudden and brings about so much emotional disturbance that you feel you may explode? have you made the right decisions.... are the decisions you've made right, but leading you in a different direction that you never expected. or maybe you kind of did expect it. in a world in flux are there truly any constants for you to hold on to. what confuses me most of all is love. butterflies in the stomach. being completely comfortable in your own skin around another soul. however quickly or slowly this happens, whether expected or unexpected, it happens. the question is, what do we do with it. follow heart, follow instinct, follow emotion, follow logic, follow reason, follow what's "right," follow what's "wrong." follow soul.
I tend to follow "right" but I'd prefer to follow "emotion" - one day I may have the courage to go down that path