since i've received some requests for a new blog, here you go children of the night. the days become the night and the separation more and more slight. my bed is the place of unrest for rest is not my friend. i wish for things like new pens to write in my journal and new books to read and constantly decorate and redecorate my room. it's strange when the only thing that you control or feel you control is the design of your room. i can't explain it more. i find myself wishing for a companion more than ever. It's that need for touch and conversation and attention affection the momentary addiction to a person i crave. and i crave you and all that you are and i wish to know you and me you to know and to touch the lips i have never touched or seen i dream of you for you are only now a dream.
Which you ARE NOT going to do anytime soon.
Wish we could talk sometime. You sound like you need a friend something fierce.
-Phil (who thinks about you and worries)