I am heading out for two weeks on business, while away I found an amazing tattoo artist to help me finish the botch job done by some fucking hack a couple of years ago. I booked her whole day and you don't even want to know how much that cost!
On a side note. My digital camera is a joke. It's not even a year old and the stupid thing refuses so anything but sit in set-up mode. Thanks a lot Nikon Coolpix..oh yeah, I will certainly tell all my friends to by your lame ass shit
On a side note. My digital camera is a joke. It's not even a year old and the stupid thing refuses so anything but sit in set-up mode. Thanks a lot Nikon Coolpix..oh yeah, I will certainly tell all my friends to by your lame ass shit

When you bring me those samples, they'd better fucking be cold.
I will accept the absence of an answer, but only AFTER I've asked the question.