you know the guys a buddy of mine so he just flipped me off and gave me a big shit eating grin....sick bastard!
understand not wanting to expose yourself to office intimidation but it would be nice to know a little more about you. Alls I know right now is that your a faceless goddess!
When I first got on sg I was a little leary but just decided that I had nothing to hide if someone doesn't like it than tough and what I don't want to share I don't. I would prefice this by saying this is no indictment against you for the level of exposer you are willing to commit to. I am not in your shoes so I have no room to judge.
btw if you had a previous profile why didn't you revive it?
understand not wanting to expose yourself to office intimidation but it would be nice to know a little more about you. Alls I know right now is that your a faceless goddess!
When I first got on sg I was a little leary but just decided that I had nothing to hide if someone doesn't like it than tough and what I don't want to share I don't. I would prefice this by saying this is no indictment against you for the level of exposer you are willing to commit to. I am not in your shoes so I have no room to judge.
but hey at leat update a little more often!