What is nothingness?
Is it not something if it has been named? Since if it were truly *nothing* then it would not have the name nothing. Only that which is something has a name. If nothing is named as such, then it is something. Nothing is nothing.
I went to http://www.nothing.com out of sheer curiosity. Heh. If nothing is pure zero, it is something, it is pure zero. Is this just a problem of semantics?
Is it not something if it has been named? Since if it were truly *nothing* then it would not have the name nothing. Only that which is something has a name. If nothing is named as such, then it is something. Nothing is nothing.
I went to http://www.nothing.com out of sheer curiosity. Heh. If nothing is pure zero, it is something, it is pure zero. Is this just a problem of semantics?
Nothings nothingness makes it something. If you had 5 apples, and they get stolen you're left with nothing...which is still something. Kind of a comforting fact actually.
heidegger--what is metaphysics?