For the boy over there ...
The elusiveness of the lingering grey on the thin stretch of the horizon reminds me of you. I reach for this grey tinge in the sky as I also reach for you, yet like the phantasms of my creation, these are but only dreams whose paths extend into an unconscious realm. Still, I nourish hope as one tends a flower garden because in my youthful estimations, the shadow is but the form, and I dare to love what I dare not clasp. For beneath the night's shiftless starlit canopy, and through the morning's blinding light, the enduring vigilance of these memories of you are indestructible though ever-changing like a globule of mercury.
The elusiveness of the lingering grey on the thin stretch of the horizon reminds me of you. I reach for this grey tinge in the sky as I also reach for you, yet like the phantasms of my creation, these are but only dreams whose paths extend into an unconscious realm. Still, I nourish hope as one tends a flower garden because in my youthful estimations, the shadow is but the form, and I dare to love what I dare not clasp. For beneath the night's shiftless starlit canopy, and through the morning's blinding light, the enduring vigilance of these memories of you are indestructible though ever-changing like a globule of mercury.
You kick so much ass!! Eee!! Forgive my giddyness...
My roommate has a monkey just like the one in your picture, only it's purple. It attacks me in the night sometimes. Ha...
Your journal is beautiful. What imagery!