It isn't as bad as it sounds. I know why I broke and it was unexpected. I experienced the "chaser" effect after having sex where the pent up sexual energy came flowing (no pun intended). That then triggered not into porn. It triggered into fantasy.

Fantasy is where the problem is for me. The riskier the fantasy the more dopamine I can get to my...
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It's a tough as nails journey as I isolated myself from the worldΒ 
Thanks for the comment though I appreciate it 😊

I decided to write earlier as I haven't had much of an outlet to talk lately. This week has been horrendous. First, I lost my girlfriend. The writing was on the wall. We weren't close and I have attachment issues. It hurts but it's more attachment issues than anything else and firing up psychological wounds.

The second thing is that my head has been a...
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So the first week of my no porn, no sexual imagery and no fantasies has gone. It was a strange week: the first day I was quite fiddly and couldn't keep my hands still. My brain was screaming for it and I felt like tearing my hair out.

Sleep was a strange issue. First few nights I was sleeping 14-15 hours. Some nights I was...
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I posted earlier that I had an issue with porn. I went a week without porn and masturbation. It was intense. The urges to look at porn and masturbate were crazy.

With my other half, getting an erection isn't easy because of it. I need Viagra and even then, I don't orgasm. It's frustrating. I feel like I'm not good enough and I constantly worry...
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For a long time, I've battled with many demons. Depression, anxiety, abandonment issues, PTSD and not being myself to name a few. Spent a small fortune in seeking professional help. I have worked through a lot. The person I was a year ago feels very different to the person I am now. As a result, I am questioning friendships I have.

About 7-8 years ago,...
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For years, I agonised over whether or not I am gay. I was never comfortable with the label of gay or bi. When I found the term pansexual it clicked. I am attracted to a person more than I am just physical features. I need to feel a connection to someone in order to be in a relationship.

Even though I am pansexual and love...
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Fluid sexuality is more like no fixed sexuality and you just go with what you find attractive. The most common is gender fluid
That's the beautiful thing about the internet is that now there is so much more access to information about sexuality 😊

Normally I wouldn't post something so cathartic and revealing on a public forum however, sometimes I just feel like getting it out. Maybe it can help others too. At times it may sound like something I stole from a text book but in truth, this is the reality of it. Let me be straight forward: I am not looking for sympathy or attention.

I have...
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