So today I am restarting my no masturbation or sexual fantasy/certain sexual images. What I deduced was that I was needing to change my routines and insert positive changes into my life.
The only way to recover is to make change in the place where the previous mindsets and behaviours were. So here's what I did:
I deleted every erotic image off my phone and laptop, I deleted website links and set up time to use my phone.
I found I was using my phone as soon as I got up. That was a trigger as I would go for sexual images. I now turn my phone on silent and put it on the other side of the room. I have invested in an alarm clock so that I don't use my phone as an alarm. I use my morning time to stretch, have breakfast and read.
Now I don't watch TV or play video games before 8pm. That was a huge trigger. Instead, I am now exercising, playing bass, reading and attempting to learn charcoal drawing.
Facebook is now used for a bit at night.
It's what I did last time and the effects were massive. I had more energy and felt good.
I know now that the first week will be difficult. However, in saying that, I'm working with a psychologist to deal with underlying problems.
I'm feeling good so far. One day at a time! My overall goal is to have a healthy sexual drive and to be more social.
Longview by green day describes what it's like for me