So, I'm in not-Iraq now. I actually got back on Tuesday and just now got around to changing my location back.
Day 1: drinking.
Day 2: shopping, much more drinking, karaoke
Today: shopping, very little drinking, nudie bar
So, basically, I've picked up right where I left off, which is nice. In a couple of months, I'll be free! free! and moving to Austin to take up space in BlueValentine's house.
I've been kind of dazed the past few days, though I'm not sure if it's because of the 16 months of desert or the 12 time zones of jet lag. Either way, I am seriously out of it.
Day 1: drinking.
Day 2: shopping, much more drinking, karaoke
Today: shopping, very little drinking, nudie bar
So, basically, I've picked up right where I left off, which is nice. In a couple of months, I'll be free! free! and moving to Austin to take up space in BlueValentine's house.
I've been kind of dazed the past few days, though I'm not sure if it's because of the 16 months of desert or the 12 time zones of jet lag. Either way, I am seriously out of it.
Hey! Thats MY house!
how are you doing?