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- on adkbabe2414's photo
- on fordzrulz's post on adkbabe2414's page
- on adkbabe2414's photo
- on klausbuben's post on adkbabe2414's page
- on adkbabe2414's photo
@missy @rambo @lyxzen
This is my first official blog homework, which is good because it's pretty simple and because I love movies! I'm a big fan of horror and action/adventure. Indiana Jones is my idol and I named myself after him here on SG. Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite Indiana Jones movie but The Last Crusade is a close second. As for...
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Hey everyone, I'm gonna try to write more and I figured I could start with a blog about my car because she's one of my most favorite things. I'm sure a lot of you have cars that you love or cars that you wish you had so leave a comment and a photo or two telling me about them!
This is Carla, she's a '94
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Ruck Me
Hopeful Set
by marianne guerrette
I'm finally figuring out how to use this website! Here's an album devoted to my trip to Cuba this past January