I spend a lot of time more or less toadying for the pharmaceutical industry in a very indirect but nevertheless substantive way. When Edwards gets elected and the class war is on, I'm probably first up against the wall, or at least in the first cohort in line, so I should probably lay out some policy statements now before the primaries:
- I will not drink beer produced by union busters, unless you're buying or I'm already drunk.
- But really, not down with Yuengling. How can you union bust when your brewery is the seat of coal country? It's like the only union job in town.
- I don't really have any more policies, but I'm good with my hands. Just send me to the labor camps instead of the firing squad.
- Check out this journal entry. I'm down for the cause, no false consciousness here.
- I have a deep and abiding appreciation for the works of Utah Phillips and the Ex, so clearly I have the tastes of a member of the lumpenproletariat, and although both Marx and Engels thought the lumpen had pretty much no potential, I at least know what the word means, so that's got to count for something, right?
- Man, I am so fucked.
Edwards '08.
sweet bajeebus, on top of that i double posted.

Yuengling? NO!! I loved that beer, to a fault fer sher, whilst taking depositions in Pittsburgh and Philly. Now I gotta cross it off the list along with any Coors product. Wait . . . Coors IS still evil, right?