I swear I have the shittiest luck ever, everything bad seems to happen to me. Yesterday morning I woke up with what seemed to be the biggest zit I've ever had in my life. Being the typical girl I am I just globbed on a shit load of makeup and stayed home all day. It was still there when I went to bed last night, looked a little swolen but I was like *ok it'll get better by morning*.
So I wake up this morning at about 6:30 and could barely open my eye. Not knowing why I walked down to the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror beneath my right eye, the side of my nose and my cheek were all swolen. Trying not to panic I grabbed a wash cloth put some cold water on it and layed in bed with it on my face hoping that the swelling would go down. A couple hours later I hear my parents get up so I hop out of bed and take a look in the mirror, the swelling had mostly gone away from my nose and my cheek. I proceed to go downstairs and my mom see's me and freaks out. OMG look at your face you need to go to the hospital. So I agreed and went to the hospital shortly after.
I swear I think everyone in my town was in there. I waited for about half an hour and said *fuck it* and came back home I'll attempt to go back tonight after work. Hopefully all the swelling is gone by then, with my luck I got bit by some spider and I'm gonna die, or maybe my eye will pop out or something, who knows.
maybe I'll get a cool patch to wear around
So I wake up this morning at about 6:30 and could barely open my eye. Not knowing why I walked down to the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror beneath my right eye, the side of my nose and my cheek were all swolen. Trying not to panic I grabbed a wash cloth put some cold water on it and layed in bed with it on my face hoping that the swelling would go down. A couple hours later I hear my parents get up so I hop out of bed and take a look in the mirror, the swelling had mostly gone away from my nose and my cheek. I proceed to go downstairs and my mom see's me and freaks out. OMG look at your face you need to go to the hospital. So I agreed and went to the hospital shortly after.
I swear I think everyone in my town was in there. I waited for about half an hour and said *fuck it* and came back home I'll attempt to go back tonight after work. Hopefully all the swelling is gone by then, with my luck I got bit by some spider and I'm gonna die, or maybe my eye will pop out or something, who knows.
maybe I'll get a cool patch to wear around
i work at Spencer's Gifts & they still haven't fully trained me to work the register yet, & i'm on my 3rd week of work already...they do mean well, but i still hardly do shit when i'm there...all i do is put out new shit which is only on tuesdays & greet customers & straigten all the shelves...don't get me wrong i like my job & all but it just gets old fast