A fond hello to all and my apologies for the lengthy absentia. It has been too long and frankly I have no idea where the time went! Suffice to say I have been missing out on some fun that appears t o be borderline freaky! Oh how I wish to have the time to frolick and enjoy other company.
Destiny seems so cruel at times. As I read the journals of friends and postings from theAustin group, it solidifies the notion of how out of synch I have become.
Note to self, loosen up!
Any one with suggestions, please feel free to post or forever hold your peace..
Destiny seems so cruel at times. As I read the journals of friends and postings from theAustin group, it solidifies the notion of how out of synch I have become.
Note to self, loosen up!
Any one with suggestions, please feel free to post or forever hold your peace..

don't be a synch 

Happy St. Patricks Day...enjoy it!