Its nice when you do a better job than the person who is regularly on my unit at night. ESPECIALLY when she talks more shit than her bowels move. I had 9 of the 12 resi's changed, clothed, and in their w/c by the time John came in this morning, and his comment to me was...EHEM " now I KNOW michelle didnt work down here last night"
NOPE she sure fucking didnt. WOO. I owned it.
In other news. Cochella( im probably spelling that wrong) was last weekend ( I think ) and a friend of mine paul ( who lives in AK) went. Hes freaking great.
He brought back w. him a signed silversun pickups cd for me...YAY! it should be in the mail any day now. oooo im so excited.
Im pretty sure i will keep a photoblog too. so w. every entry there will be a pic . this one. a nice teaser I think . lol

NOPE she sure fucking didnt. WOO. I owned it.
In other news. Cochella( im probably spelling that wrong) was last weekend ( I think ) and a friend of mine paul ( who lives in AK) went. Hes freaking great.
He brought back w. him a signed silversun pickups cd for me...YAY! it should be in the mail any day now. oooo im so excited.
Im pretty sure i will keep a photoblog too. so w. every entry there will be a pic . this one. a nice teaser I think . lol

And I love your photoblog idea. Tease away, cutie