Updates on the Tropical storm fay. she sucked really bad, she bascially flooded the entire center of florida. where i live, it wasnt that bad but there was a lot of rain and wind. my driveway looks like a tree. hee hee. oh and i had to work though it all week. but thats ok cuz i would have rather done that then have my house flood. been there done that.
Hey! What kind of outfit are you gonna get? Any ideas? Congrats on your A! It must be nice having those 3 days off....I hope it doesn't rain the whole time. I'm suppose to go to Orlando Friday and Saturday....then drive back on Sunday....would hate for it to flood again. You stay safe too! I'm gonna do another SG set next week...can't wait! I just realized you said both jobs....where else do you work?
I was at the mall last night looking for photoshoot stuff....I almost went in there but I was like "Hmmm, not wild enough for me" LOL. I usually don't get out towards Orlando but I have two paid projects! Yay! I hope you find the perfect outfit...I have a hard time when I go shopping, can't make up my mind...hehe