I keep going back and forth between wanting to go through with finishing my applicatiopn process for being an sg.
The rumors of sgs not being treated as well as they could be was brought to my attention again and the question "Is the money worth all the hassle you'd encounter?" was presented to me.
Sure its possible that later in life I could find myself in a career where I'd regret having posed nude on the internet but truthfully I don't see myself taking on a career where it would matter. The only problems I can forsee are my parents finding out which wouldn't be much of an issue. Just a predicament that would confuse and disappoint them. For some though just that is enough to discourage a person. I care about my parents and although I see nothing wrong with porn I know that they would not be happy to see their baby girl taking part in it. They would fear the judgement I would run into and the possible setbacks it could create.
Hmm decisions decisions, money money.
I like the mischevious threat it all whispers of though. Itd be my little secret admist my everyday life. Everyone enjoys a private naughty secret right?
The rumors of sgs not being treated as well as they could be was brought to my attention again and the question "Is the money worth all the hassle you'd encounter?" was presented to me.
Sure its possible that later in life I could find myself in a career where I'd regret having posed nude on the internet but truthfully I don't see myself taking on a career where it would matter. The only problems I can forsee are my parents finding out which wouldn't be much of an issue. Just a predicament that would confuse and disappoint them. For some though just that is enough to discourage a person. I care about my parents and although I see nothing wrong with porn I know that they would not be happy to see their baby girl taking part in it. They would fear the judgement I would run into and the possible setbacks it could create.
Hmm decisions decisions, money money.
I like the mischevious threat it all whispers of though. Itd be my little secret admist my everyday life. Everyone enjoys a private naughty secret right?
although in my case I'm kinda knows here (in Brazil) and I supposed that I couldn't be a secret.
I read the contract and I felt uneasy about the rules...