I am fucking boooooooooooooooored. claire danes is on the daily show right now, and looking really fierce.
anyhow, yes. I wish I could get on a regular sleeping schedule. that would be awesome.
also! I got my ticket yesterday to fly to Indianapolis on aug. 14th to meet Emil and the other Daath fellows. god knows, I miss my love. mmmmhm, yes, I will be riding with them for about 5 days while theyre playing on the ozzfest tour bullshit. its going to be hot as balls, and I will in turn be pissed off. probably the entire time. but it could be raining fucking fireballs and I would still go.
here is a tidbit of knowledge for you: it really sucks only being able to see your boyfriend once every 2 or 3 months. dont date a guy in a band. I mean, unless youve known him since the 8th grade. then its ok.
in other news, I hope I hear back about my set soon. I am in love with it. a little.
anyhow, yes. I wish I could get on a regular sleeping schedule. that would be awesome.
also! I got my ticket yesterday to fly to Indianapolis on aug. 14th to meet Emil and the other Daath fellows. god knows, I miss my love. mmmmhm, yes, I will be riding with them for about 5 days while theyre playing on the ozzfest tour bullshit. its going to be hot as balls, and I will in turn be pissed off. probably the entire time. but it could be raining fucking fireballs and I would still go.
here is a tidbit of knowledge for you: it really sucks only being able to see your boyfriend once every 2 or 3 months. dont date a guy in a band. I mean, unless youve known him since the 8th grade. then its ok.
in other news, I hope I hear back about my set soon. I am in love with it. a little.

Good luck with your set. Just came over to tell ya, I love the shot you posted in the band photography group!