As some of you may have noticed, I was added to that SG Model Council thingy.
I’d like to be as transparent with you as I can be; I had absolutely no idea what has been going on until recently. I got an invite email, accepted it, and then asked my fellow SG friends what this was because it literally came out of nowhere for me. I had not been as active as I’d like to be on this website for several months.
I then took the time to try to read over everything that has happened, written down the suggestions that were made, and reiterated it back to the council. I accepted the invite to help give others a voice; especially because I am biracial and non-binary.
Since being added, the SG Canada admin team has welcomed me to their group so that they can help assist in whatever way they can as well.
So if you have any suggestions that you would like me to try and push forward with, please don’t be afraid to message me. I kind of suck at social media (depression aha) but I’m going to try to be a whole lot better at it for this.