I was out stand up paddle boarding for over three hours today. Decided not to bring my phone and just enjoy the moment. I saw a a seal playing, an otter jumping in and out of the water, and plenty of jellyfish. When I came back to shore, I turned my phone on and for some reason had an urge to check my emails right away. AND MY EYES IMMEDIATELY FOCUSED ON, “Your set Shiver was selected as set of the day!”
Thank you to everyone involved in helping this happen. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank youuuuuuuuuuuu!
Thank you, @charlesfin, for always being there for me. Your photography is out of this world. This set is beautiful because of you.
I want to have a big, fun live streaming party on the 20th! With confetti and snacks and smiling faces! So I hope to see you there ❤️
I put my Onlyfans on sale too for only $5!