Right then, seeing how i've never written a blog on here I feel the urge to do so (why now i'll never know just gonna go with and hope for the best, I think it's an excuse to stop working to be honest but hey it's working)
It's been a long week and we're only on tuesday so things are boding well, then again the rest is up to me to decide how it goes so i'll just thing positively
Hopefully get this freelance out of the way and get on with having a giggle somewhere, wherever that may be...
DJ'in on thursday should be as fun as always, need to think of some cheese to play for the great unwashed... answers on a postcard
Lancaster on friday should be fun, not seen a few people in a while so hopefully a booze-fuelled night will get things going!
DJ'in again on saturday, more mundane and laid back though, have some time to relax and enjoy a couple of pints (though if friday has any bearing i'll just be hungover and topping up )
Thoughts spurted out for the time being, maybe talk some more drivvle soon
Additional note: today I realised I drink far too much coffee.. Something tells me that when I walk into Nero's and 2 members of staff ask if I would like 'the usual' it's time to decide if that has something to do with my lack of sleep..hmmmm..It's too damn good though I'd like to think that they will turn around and ask if i'd like it renaming to something after me, i'm thinking something along the lines of the Uber ryan no moo choccy delight, hasn't really got a ring to it but it's fitting! It would more likely be the twitcher, closer to the mark and it rolls off the tongue, 'a twitcher if you please sir'? hehe
It's been a long week and we're only on tuesday so things are boding well, then again the rest is up to me to decide how it goes so i'll just thing positively
Hopefully get this freelance out of the way and get on with having a giggle somewhere, wherever that may be...
DJ'in on thursday should be as fun as always, need to think of some cheese to play for the great unwashed... answers on a postcard
Lancaster on friday should be fun, not seen a few people in a while so hopefully a booze-fuelled night will get things going!
DJ'in again on saturday, more mundane and laid back though, have some time to relax and enjoy a couple of pints (though if friday has any bearing i'll just be hungover and topping up )
Thoughts spurted out for the time being, maybe talk some more drivvle soon
Additional note: today I realised I drink far too much coffee.. Something tells me that when I walk into Nero's and 2 members of staff ask if I would like 'the usual' it's time to decide if that has something to do with my lack of sleep..hmmmm..It's too damn good though I'd like to think that they will turn around and ask if i'd like it renaming to something after me, i'm thinking something along the lines of the Uber ryan no moo choccy delight, hasn't really got a ring to it but it's fitting! It would more likely be the twitcher, closer to the mark and it rolls off the tongue, 'a twitcher if you please sir'? hehe