Laying there bound in electrical tape on the side of highway like a sex crime victim. What you normally think about is point B.
Because point A is a very happy or unhappy place but none the less memorable.
Point C is what your livin. The blades of glass scratching the back of your neck, the blood you've coffed up and swolled back for the third time,cause the duct tape on your mouth is doubled up.
Point B is the down time in between. That's the little shit you did'nt consider that now. Now is on the top of your fuckin action item list. It's looking back at all your Karmatic blunders, the fuckin waiter you did'nt tip. BetsySue the girl you fucked and never gave head to.
Every single possible situation that would have sparked a chain of events that would'nt be this chain of events. When your asking the question that you never wanted to ask yourself "Who did I fuck over to be gettin fucked like this".
Because point A is a very happy or unhappy place but none the less memorable.
Point C is what your livin. The blades of glass scratching the back of your neck, the blood you've coffed up and swolled back for the third time,cause the duct tape on your mouth is doubled up.
Point B is the down time in between. That's the little shit you did'nt consider that now. Now is on the top of your fuckin action item list. It's looking back at all your Karmatic blunders, the fuckin waiter you did'nt tip. BetsySue the girl you fucked and never gave head to.
Every single possible situation that would have sparked a chain of events that would'nt be this chain of events. When your asking the question that you never wanted to ask yourself "Who did I fuck over to be gettin fucked like this".