After months of contemplating it. last week I put an ad on craigslist to sell my turntables. 2 days later I recieved several emails saying they were interested. some contact was made, and today a short little indie kid wearing deisel jeans and what looked like some hip navy flak jacket, came and picked my tables up and handed me 25 crisp 20 dollar bills and a clean benjamin!
There is now a hole in my room that I will fill with a dresser so I can stop living out of suitcases and actually have a somewhat normal looking room, minus the couch of course. And a small hole in my heart, that will be filled with possibly some new Allegiance gear, or more possibly a 1 color screen printer, and some new camera lenses. Either way, I think im better off than before.
There is now a hole in my room that I will fill with a dresser so I can stop living out of suitcases and actually have a somewhat normal looking room, minus the couch of course. And a small hole in my heart, that will be filled with possibly some new Allegiance gear, or more possibly a 1 color screen printer, and some new camera lenses. Either way, I think im better off than before.
I know how you feel about the hole in your heart. I kionda felt that way after I sold my wedding dress, but I know it's going to good use and what was I gonna do with it now anyways.
sounds like it worked out well.
buying new stuff is always fun and living out of suitcases is not...
plus camera lenses are always a good thing!